Wednesday, January 9, 2013

oDesk PHP 5 Test Answers

oDesk PHP 5 Test Answers

1. Question: What is true regarding this code?
Answer: setcookie will return true
2. Question: Which of the following is not a correct way of printing text in php5?
Answer: echo “Plain text”;
3. Question: Which of the following is not the correct way of starting a session?
Answer: session_initiate()
4. Question: Which of the following functions do you need to implement HTTP Basic Authentication?
Answer: None of the above
5. Question: Which of the following Command Line Interface constant is not defined in the CLI SAPI?
Answer: STDPRT
6. Question: Which of the following statements is correct with regard to final and abstract?
Answer: a. An abstract class cannot have final methods
7. Question: Which composite data types are supported by php?
Answer: Array
8. Question: The default value of register_globals in PHP is:
Answer: Off
9. Question: Which of the following is not a valid PHP connection status?
Answer: open
10. Question: Choose the correct statement:
Answer: include() includes and evaluates a specific file
require_once() includes and evaluates a specific file only if it has not been included before
11. Question: If the session_cache_expire() is not set, then by default the session cache will expire after:
Answer: 3 hrs
12. Question: What will be the output of the following script?
Paamayim Nekudotayim operator allows access only to the static members of a class?
Paamayim Nekudotayim operator allows access only to the static members of a class?
Answer: function_exists
User Name:
class Manager{
Answer: 5+2 * 4+6
$var = 1 + “-1.3e3″;
function Argument()
echo $count;
Answer: It will print 1
13. Question: State whether True or False
Answer: True
14. Question: Which of the following statements is true with regard to comparisons in PHP5?
Answer: With (===) operator, object variables are identical if and only if they refer to the same instance of the same class.
15. Question: What will be the output of the following code?
$a = 0.0;
for ($i = 0; $i < a ="="">
Answer: 1
16. Question: What will be the output of the following code?
echo $i . ” ” . $j . ” ” . $k . ” “;
Answer: 5 31 7.5
17. Question: Which of the following is a not a correct way of commenting in php?
Answer: /#PHP Comment
18. Question: Following is a php code block:
$z=$n++/$m++ + –$z;
echo $z;
what will be the output?
Answer: 18
19. Question: Which of the following is the correct way of specifying default value?
Answer: function GetDiscount($Type = “Special”) { . . . }
20. Question: With reference to the following php script:
print ‘Text Line1′
print ‘Text Line2′
What will be the output on running the script?
Answer: Error message will be printed
21. Question: What will be the ouput of the following code?
for ($i = 0; $i < i ="="">
Question: Late PHP versions support remote file accessing for the functions:
Answer: include_once()
both of them
22. Question: You have designed a user login form as follows:
How can you access the username entered by the user in the ‘Validate.php’ webpage?
a. $var= $_POST['username'];
b. $var= $_REQUEST['username'];
c. import_request_variables(‘p’, ‘p_’);
$var= $p_username;
Answer: Both of them
23. Question: Which of the following does not represent logical AND operator in PHP?
Answer: &amp
24. Question: Which of the following is not true for a persistent connection?
Answer: These can’t be converted to non-persistent connections
25. Question: Which of the following are invalid data types in PHP?
Answer: char
26. Question: The Manager and Office classes are as follows:
function printName() {
echo “Manager”;
class Office{
function getManager() {
return new Manager();
$ofc = new Office();
Which of the following should replace ‘???’ to obtain the value of printName() function?
Answer: $ofc->getManager()->printName();
27. Question: The classes are defined as follows:abstract class BaseCls{
protected abstract function getName();
class ChildCls extends BaseCls{
Which of the following implementations of getName() is invalid in ChildCls?
Answer: public function getName(){}
28. Question: Which of the following variable declarations within a class is invalid in PHP5?
Answer: var $term =3;
29. Question: What will be the output of following code?
$arr = “a”;
echo $arr;
echo $arr[0];
Answer: bb
30. Question: For the following code:
the output will be:
Answer: 171
31. Question: What is the result of the following expression?
Question: What will be the output of following code?
echo $var;
Answer: -1299
32. Question: What will be the output of following code?
echo “$var1 $a”;
Answer: a b
33. Question:What is the output of the following code?
$a = 500;
$b = 200;
echo $a % 2
* $b;
Answer: 0
34. Question: What will be the ouput of the following code?
if (-1)
print “true”;
print “false”;
Answer: true
35. Question: What will be the output of the following code?
echo 12 . 6;
Answer: 126

36. Question: Consider the following sample code:
$x = 0xFFFE;
$y = 2;
$z = $x && $y;
What will be the value of $z?
Answer: 1

oDesk Java Programming Test Answers

oDesk Java Programming Test Answer 

1. Question: What is the class in 1.6?
Answer: Methods to convert internationalized domain names (IDNs) between a normal Unicode representation and an ASCII Compatible Encoding (ACE) representation
2. Question: What will be the output of the following program?public class Test
public static void main (String args[]) throws Exception
Test o = new Test ();
System.out.println (o.content ());
public String content () throws Exception
throw new Exception (“This is an exception on this.content ()”);
private static class B
public String content ()
return ”B”;
private static class A extends B
public String content ()
return ”A”;
Answer: The code will compile but throw an exception at runtime
3. Question: Which of these interfaces are used by implementations of models for JTable?
Answer: TableColumnModel
4. Question: How many times can classes be nested within a class?
Answer: Any number of times
5. Question: One method in your application needs to be synchronized. Which of the following options are correct for synchronization?
Answer: public void Process(){ synchronized(this){ } }
public void synchronized Process(){}
6. Question: What could be the replacement of “//ABC” in the following code?public class Jam
public void apple(int i, String s)
Answer: public void apple(String s, int i){}
public void Apple(int i, String s) {}
7. Question: What will be the output when the following code is compiled and run?public class Test
public static void main (String args[])
int i;
i = 3;
System.out.println ((int)i * 2.5 / 3.0);
The code will print 2.5
8. Question: What would happen on trying to compile and run the following code?public class MainCls
public static void main(String argv)
System.out.println(“My Text”);
Answer: The code will compile. A runtime error will occur because ‘main’ is not properly defined
9. Question: What will be the output when this code is compiled and run?public class Test
static int x = 10;
public Test ()
Bar b = new Bar ();
Bar b1 = new Bar ();
update (b);
update (b1);
private void update (Bar bar)
bar.x = ++x;
System.out.println (bar.x);
public static void main (String args[])
File f = new File(“/”,”autoexec.bat”); b.DataInputStream d = new DataInputStream(;c.RandomAccessFile r = new RandomAccessFile(“OutFile”); d.OutputStreamWriter o = newOutputStreamWriter(System.out);
private class Bar
public int x = 10;
The code will fail to compile
Answer: 11 12
10. Question: Which of the following statement will not compile?
Answer: RandomAccessFile r = new RandomAccessFile(“OutFile”);
11. Question: Which of the following are “keywords” in Java?
Answer: default
12. Question: Which of the following statements is true of the HashMap class?
Answer: It stores information as key/value pairs
13. Question: How does the set collection deal with duplicate elements?
Answer: The add method returns false if you attempt to add an element with a duplicate value
14. Question: What is wrong with the following code?class X extends Exception {}
public class Y
public void foo()
try {
finally {
catch (MyException e) {}
public void b() throws X {
throw new X();
public void ba() throws RuntimeException {
throw new RuntimeException();
Answer: None of the above
15. Question: Is the following code valid?InetAddress ad = InetAddress.getByName (“″);
Answer: Yes
16. Question: Which of the following cannot apply to constructors?
Answer: Void return type
17. Question: Choose the correct declarations for the main() method which will allow the class to be run as a standalone program.
Answer: public static void main(String str[])
18. Question: For a class defined inside a method, what rule governs access to the variables of the enclosing method?
Answer: The class can only access transient variables
19. Question: A method can be defined as native to:
Answer: Get to access hardware that Java does not know about
Write optimized code for performance in a language such as C/C++
20. Question: What will be the output of the following line?System.out.println(Math.floor(-2.1));
Answer: -3.0
21. Question: For the given variables, which of the following will compile without an error?char c = ‘c’;
int i = 50;
double d = 80;
long l = 200;
String s = “Goodbye”;
Answer: s+=i;

oDesk Joomla 1.5 Test Answers 2013

1. Question: What is the default super administrator account for Joomla called?
Answer: Administrator

2. Question: Which of the following PHP directives are important to Joomla execution to define an alternate compression library if the standard library is not available?
Answer: extension_dir

3. Question: Which of the following files is archive and contains the actual CB component that you must install into Joomla while downloading CB?
Answer: com_comprofiler

4. Question: Which option will you choose to set the site metadata for the installed website?
Answer: Global Configuration

5. Question: What will happen if we set the SSL enabled option to On?
Answer: This option will make the link from the menu begin with an https://

6. Question: The core editor events apply to plug-ins that provide editor functionality such as TinyMCE or XStandard Lite.
Answer: True

7. Question: Which PHP file does the index.php file load to provide the menu bar to the administrator interface?
Answer: Toolbar.php

8. Question: Which of the given database systems is supported by Joomla?
Answer: Mysql

09. Question: Which of the following is the default editor of Joomla?
Answer: TinyMCE

10. Question: Joomla provides an abstracted method called getEscaped() that returns the escaped string regardless of the target database.
Answer: False

11. Question: From which package are the classes (i.e JSite, JAdministrator and JInstallation) which make up the Joomla CMS application extended?
Answer: Installer

12. Question: What is not true about JoomlaXplorer?
Answer: None of the above

13. Question: Which of the following is a system event?
Answer: OnDisplay

14. Question: Which Joomla file provides the central logic of the template, including any module and component display?
Answer: Index.php

15. Question: When will you use SMTP authentication mail settings?
Answer: When you want to use an internal mail server

16. Question: What do you understand by the type of error?
Answer: It means that STRICT_ALL_TABLES is enabled

17. Question: Which path variable holds the path of the currently executing application?
Answer: All of the above

18. Question: Which user events occur with plug-ins that are installed for the front end of the system?
Answer: Both a and b

19. Question: Which type of positioning elements define a concrete area such as a p, td, div or table in a CSS file?
Answer: Block elements

20. Question: Which of the following files does the “/includes” directory not contain?
Answer: None of the above

21. Question: Which option will you select to install or to add the module to your website?
Answer: C

22. Question: Why does Joomla use templateDetails.xml files?
Answer: All of the above

23. Question: Which of the following events is activated after content rendering is complete for content type plug-ins?
Answer: OnAfterDisplayContent

24. Question: All the Joomla settings are contained within a PHP class called JConfig.
Answer: True

25. Question: In which PHP file is the central configuration data for Joomla contained?
Answer: configuration.php

26. Question: What is not true about the MD5 hash value?
Answer: Each password in Joomla is stored as a MD5 hash value

27. Question: There are two root classes for the Joomla framework: JFactory and JVersion.
Answer: True

28. Question: Which option will you select to find unpublished articles?
Answer: Article manager

29. Question: What do you understand from the following code?
Answer: SQL statement is executed against the Joomla database to find empty data fields

30. Question: Which SEO settings will you activate to make Joomla article URL shown in picture A appear as shown in picture B?
Answer: B

31. Question: In which option are errors, warnings and references logged?
Answer: None of the above

32. Question: Which type of files can media manager not upload?
Answer: None of the above

33. Question: Which among the following switches display the current version of PHP?
Answer: v

34. Question: The Joomap extension uses the style-sheets from the currently selected default template to display the sitemap in the site style.
Answer: True

35. Question: Which type of server technology is used by Joomla?
Answer: All of the above

36. Question: Which of the following is not true about the FrontPage Manager?
Answer: You cannot select your content for the FrontPage from all the contents

37. Question: What happens if the Text Separator Field is left empty while using the breadcrumbs module in the module manager?
Answer: None of the above

38. Question: Which of the following support libraries must you include when you are doing a manual compile of PHP to use with Joomla?
Answer: All of the above

39. Question: What is the role of the template metadata file in the system?
Answer: It contains the basic authorship information

40. Question: The index.php file is a combination of HTML and PHP code.
Answer: True

oDesk Call Center Skills Test Answer

oDesk English Spelling Test Answers(U.K. Version)

Question:Choose the correct spelling of the word from the options below.
a. Leiutenant
b. Luietenant
c. Lieutanent
d. Lieutenant (answer)

Question:Complete the following sentence by choosing the correct spelling of the missing word.
The waitress brought me a plate of squid even though I _____________ asked for clams.
a. specificaly
b. specifically (answer)
c. specifycally
d. specificly

Question:Complete the following sentence by choosing the correct spelling of the missing word.
The clown’s performance was _______________, to say the least.
a. dissapointing
b. dissappointing
c. disapointing
d. disappointing (answer)

Question:Identify the misspelt word in the list below.
a. Rhythmical
b. Reminiscence
c. Rheumatism
d. Resevoir (answer)

Question:Complete the following sentence by choosing the correct spelling of the missing word.
After my grandfather was diagnosed with chronic_________, he moved to Spain.
a. Neumonia
b. Penumonia
c. Pneumonia (answer)
d. Pnuemonia

Question:Complete the following sentence by choosing the correct spelling of the missing word.
Mrs. Baker took her ______________ class on a field trip to the zoo.
a. kindergarden
b. kindegarten
c. kindergarten (answer)
d. kindegarden

Question:Choose the correct spelling of the word from the options below.
a. Bureaucrasy
b. Buroucracy
c. Bureaucracy (answer)
d. Beuraucracy

Question:Complete the following sentence by choosing the correct spelling of the missing word.
Their relationship was plagued by __________ problems.
a. perpetual (answer)
b. perpechual
c. purpetual
d. perptual

Question:Complete the following sentence by choosing the correct spelling of the missing word.
The annual _____________ was ruined when a family of bears stole all the sausages.
a. barbecue (answer)
b. barbequeue
c. barbycue
d. barbcue

Question:Choose the correct spelling of the word from the options below.
a. Hienous
b. Henous
c. Heinus
d. Heinous (answer)

Question:Identify the misspelt word in the list below.
a. Quixotic
b. Quite
c. Questionaire (answer)
d. Quarantine

Question:Identify the misspelt word in the list below.
a. Dexterity
b. Desicate (answer)
c. Dyeing
d. Desecrate

Question:Identify the misspelt word in the list below.
a. Councelor (answer)
b. Condescend
c. Camouflage
d. Criticise

Question:Identify the misspelt word in the list below.
a. Fluorescent
b. Fullfill (answer)
c. Facsimile
d. Fictitious

Question:Complete the following sentence by choosing the correct spelling of the missing word.
_________animals feed almost exclusively on meat.
a. Carnivorus
b. Carnivorous (answer)
c. Carnivoures
d. Carnivoreus

Question:Identify the misspelt word in the list below.
a. Weird (answer)
b. Wired
c. Whined
d. Wilful

Question:Choose the correct spelling of the word from the options below.
a. Definitly
b. Definately
c. Defenitely
d. Definitely (answer)

Question:Choose the correct spelling of the word from the options below.
a. Forfiet
b. Forfeit (answer)
c. Forefeit
d. Fourfit

Question:Choose the correct spelling of the word from the options below.
a. Neccesary
b. Necessary (answer)
c. Neccessary
d. Necesary

Question:Choose the correct spelling of the word from the options below.
a. Priveledge
b. Privilage
c. Privilege (answer)
d. Privelege

Question:Complete the following sentence by choosing the correct spelling of the missing word.
Clara the cat simply chose to ignore the ______________ of our dog.
a. existence (answer)
b. existance
c. existense
d. existanse

Question:Complete the following sentence by choosing the correct spelling of the missing word.
Helen was surprised by the __________ stature of her blind date.
a. diminutive (answer)
b. diminuative
c. deminutive
d. diminutive

Question:Choose the correct spelling of the word from the options below.
a. Manoeuvre (answer)
b. Manouver
c. Maneuver
d. Manuver

Question:Choose the correct spelling of the word from the options below.
a. Unanimus
b. Unanemous
c. Unanimess
d. Unanimous (answer)

Question:Choose the correct spelling of the word from the options below.
a. Excesive
b. Exccesive
c. Excessive (answer)
d. Exceesive

Question:Choose the correct spelling of the word from the options below.
a. Restaureter
b. Restauranter
c. Restaurateur (answer)
d. Restourateur

Question:Identify the misspelt word in the list below.
a. Mischeivous (answer)
b. Misanthrope
c. Mussel
d. Malicious

Question:Identify the misspelt word in the list below.
a. Sophomore
b. Supersede
c. Susceptable (answer)
d. Spontaneous

Question:Identify the misspelt word in the list below.
a. Haemorrhage
b. Harass
c. Hankerchief (answer)
d. Hypocrisy

Question:Choose the correct spelling of the word from the options below.
a. Temperamental (answer)
b. Tempermental
c. Temperamentle
d. Temparamental

Question:Complete the following sentence by choosing the correct spelling of the missing word.
The professor made it clear that ___________ would not be tolerated.
a. plagiarism (answer)
b. plagiarizm
c. plagerism
d. plagirism

Question:Choose the correct spelling of the word from the options below.
a. Ligitimate
b. Legitimate (answer)
c. Legetimate
d. Legitemate

Question:Identify the misspelt word in the list below.
a. Yacht
b. Youthful
c. Yeilding (answer)
d. Yesterday

Question:Choose the correct spelling of the word from the options below.
a. Persue
b. Parsue
c. Persou
d. Pursue (answer)

Question:Complete the following sentence by choosing the correct spelling of the missing word.
The judge granted the reluctant witness complete ____________ from prosecution for his part in the crime.
a. amnesty (answer)
b. amnasty
c. anmesty
d. emnesty

Question:Choose the correct spelling of the word from the options below.
a. Gauge (answer)
b. Gaje
c. Guage
d. Gaige

Question:Identify the misspelt word in the list below.
a. Develop
b. Desciple (answer)
c. Dilemma
d. Discipline

Question:Choose the correct spelling of the word from the options below.
a. Adress
b. Addrress
c. Addres
d. Address (answer)

Question:Complete the following sentence by choosing the correct spelling of the missing word.
No one knew what devious experiments the scientist conducted in his ______________ .
a. labretory
b. laboratary
c. laboratory (answer)
d. labratory

Question:Choose the correct spelling of the word from the options below.
a. Embarassment
b. Embrassement
c. Embarrasment
d. Embarrassment (answer)

Question:Choose the correct spelling of the word from the options below.
a. Definitly
b. Definately
c. Defenitely
d. Definitely (answer)
Question:Choose the correct spelling of the word from the options below.
a. Gauge (answer)
b. Gaje
c. Guage
d. Gaige

Question:Identify the misspelt word in the list below.
a. Councelor (answer)
b. Condescend
c. Camouflage
d. Criticise

Question:Identify the misspelt word in the list below.
a. Parallel
b. Prevalent
c. Prejudice
d. Perserverance (answer)

Question:Complete the following sentence by choosing the correct spelling of the missing word.
Sally’s nervous __________ left her standing at the altar.
a. fiance
b. finance (answer)
c. feance
d. fience

Question:Complete the following sentence by choosing the correct spelling of the missing word.
The savvy dancer acted as a __________ between the detective and the cabaret owner.
a. liasion
b. liaison (answer)
c. liasone
d. leason

Question:Choose the correct spelling of the word from the options below.
a. Adress
b. Addrress
c. Addres
d. Address (answer)

Question:Complete the following sentence by choosing the correct spelling of the missing word.
Hazel Dormouse is a _________ creature.
a. nocternal
b. nocturnal (answer)
c. noctarnal
d. nacturnal

Question:Choose the correct spelling of the word from the options below.
a. Forfiet
b. Forfeit (answer)
c. Forefeit
d. Fourfit

Question:Complete the following sentence by choosing the correct spelling of the missing word.
Clara the cat simply chose to ignore the ______________ of our dog.
a. existence (answer)
b. existance
c. existense
d. existanse

Question:Complete the following sentence by choosing the correct spelling of the missing word.
The church members accused the cult of _______________ practices.
a. sacreligious
b. sacrelegious
c. sacrilegious (answer)
d. sacrilgious

Question:Choose the correct spelling of the word from the options below.
a. Vengeance (answer)
b. Vengance
c. Vengents
d. Vengence

Question:Choose the correct spelling of the word from the options below.
a. Priveledge
b. Privilage
c. Privilege (answer)
d. Privelege

Question:Identify the misspelt word in the list below.
a. Rhythmical
b. Reminiscence
c. Rheumatism
d. Resevoir (answer)

Question:Complete the following sentence by choosing the correct spelling of the missing word.
The protesters hurled ___________ insults at us as we walked by.
a. vicous
b. vicious (answer)
c. vicoius
d. vicius

Question:Identify the misspelt word in the list below.
a. Sophomore
b. Supersede
c. Susceptable (answer)
d. Spontaneous

Question:Complete the following sentence by choosing the correct spelling of the missing word.
The professor made it clear that ___________ would not be tolerated.
a. plagiarism (answer)
b. plagiarizm
c. plagerism
d. plagirism

Question:Choose the correct spelling of the word from the options below.
a. Synonymous (answer)
b. Synonymus
c. Synonimous
d. Sinonymus

Question:Choose the correct spelling of the word from the options below.
a. Idiosyncracy
b. Idiosincrasy
c. Idiosyncrasy (answer)
d. Ideosyncracy

Question:Complete the following sentence by choosing the correct spelling of the missing word.
Helen was surprised by the __________ stature of her blind date.
a. diminutive (answer)
b. diminuative
c. deminutive
d. dimminutive

Question:Complete the following sentence by choosing the correct spelling of the missing word.
Mrs. Baker took her ______________ class on a field trip to the zoo.
a. kindergarden
b. kindegarten
c. kindergarten (answer)
d. kindegarden

Question:Identify the misspelt word in the list below.
a. Pageant
b. Poignant
c. Plummage (answer)
d. Priggish

Question:Choose the correct spelling of the word from the options below.
a. Manoeuvre (answer)
b. Manouver
c. Maneuver
d. Manuver

Choose the correct spelling of the word from the options below.
a. Bureaucrasy
b. Buroucracy
c. Bureaucracy (answer)
d. Beuraucracy

Question:Complete the following sentence by choosing the correct spelling of the missing word.
Their relationship was plagued by __________ problems.
a. perpetual (answer)
b. perpechual
c. purpetual
d. perptual

Question:Choose the correct spelling of the word from the options below.
a. Pronounciation
b. Pronuciation
c. Pronuncitation
d. Pronunciation (answer)

Question:Choose the correct spelling of the word from the options below.
a. Excesive
b. Exccesive
c. Excessive (answer)
d. Exceesive

Question:Complete the following sentence by choosing the correct spelling of the missing word.
Be sure to leave your travel __________with the secretary so he’ll know how to reach you whilst you’re away.
a. itenreray
b. itinerary (answer)
c. iteneray
d. itinirary

Question:Choose the correct spelling of the word from the options below.
a. Vacuum (answer)
b. Vaccuum
c. Vacumm
d. Vaccum

Question:Choose the correct spelling of the word from the options below.
a. Temperamental (answer)
b. Tempermental
c. Temperamentle
d. Temparamental

Question:Choose the correct spelling of the word from the options below.
a. Goverment
b. Governmant
c. Government (answer)
d. Govermant

Question:Complete the following sentence by choosing the correct spelling of the missing word.
The purpose of your report should be to ___________ the most relevant facts, not to obscure them.
a. illumenate
b. iluminate
c. illuminate (answer)
d. elluminate

Question:Identify the misspelt word in the list below.
a. Fluorescent
b. Fullfill (answer)
c. Facsimile
d. Fictitious

Question:Complete the following sentence by choosing the correct spelling of the missing word.
The crowd ________________ me on my acceptance into Mensa.
a. congradulated
b. congrachulated
c. congratulated (answer)
d. congratilated

Question:Choose the correct spelling of the word from the options below.
a. Ligitimate
b. Legitimate (answer)
c. Legetimate
d. Legitemate

Question:Complete the following sentence by choosing the correct spelling of the missing word.
Let me tie your mittens to your sleeves so you don’t ______________ them.
a. loose
b. looze (answer)
c. lose
d. louse

Question:Choose the correct spelling of the word from the options below.
a. Conscentiuos
b. Consentious
c. Conscientous
d. Conscientious (answer)

Question:Choose the correct spelling of the word from the options below.
a. Neccesary
b. Necessary (answer)
c. Neccessary
d. Necesary

Question:Identify the misspelt word in the list below.
a. Develop
b. Desciple (answer)
c. Dilemma
d. Discipline

Question:Identify the misspelt word in the list below.
a. Accomodate (answer)
b. Analyse
c. Acknowledgement
d. Asterisk

oDesk Internet Marketing Test Answers

Syllabus of the Test:

  • Strategy & Goals
  • Budgeting
  • Public Relations
  • Affiliate Marketing
  • Pay Per Click
  • Email Marketing
  • Search Engine Optimization
  • Podcasts
40 multiple choice questions.

Each question has between 2 and 8 options out of which 1 or more may be correct.


1. Way would a firm employ guerrilla web marketing
Ans: it gives the firm more control over its marketing budet

2. Why is affiliate marketing a fovorable form of marketing
Ans: it gurantees increased sales

3. What is meant by “niche marketing”
Ans: targeting a broad based group of people

4. How can a poducast be used to brive customers to a website
Ans: by telling the listeners that they need your product

5. What is cost per coustomer acquisition
Ans: the amount a company pays a customer to try their product

6. How can supplemental materials be delivered to the poducast listener
Ans: the istener must pay for any additional materials

7. What is a value proposition
Ans: the pricing of the product

8. How important is content on a site when optimizing it
Ans: it is the only thing which creates a higher ranking in search engines

9. Which of the following would not be effective in headline writing
Ans: using small words which take up space and do not add value

10. What should a company do once it achieves its search engine ranking goals
Ans: sell advertising on their site

11. Why would a company possibly want so spend more on PPC early on
Ans: to drive traffic to their site and increase awarensess

12. What is meant by “whit hat”
Ans: When marketers show up for work wearing white hats

13. Why are purchased email lists typically ineffective
Ans: they make up fake email to sell

14. Why has web marketing become a popular form of marketing
Ans:it has been heavily advertised

15. What is one unfavourable trait sometimes seen in affiliate marketing
Ans: it brings additional traffic to a site

16. If marketing is relatively easy to do online
Ans: Hired experts can drive the best results of campaigns and help guide the company in its marketing

17. What is a secondary reason to actively maintain a company blog. Besides giving potential customers something to read
Ans: it impresses clients

18. What is the purpose of a traditional press release
Ans: it target markets to internet users

19. What is the purpose of sending a monthly newsletter
Ans: it gives people a chance to opt out of ever talking to your company again

20. What is meant by guerrilla marketing
Ans: Using resources such as time, energy and imagination rather than money to market

21. What is an auto-responder
Ans: a method of direction communication with clients

22. Why si it important to fine tune the timing of the ad and keywords used
Ans: to carefully target the customer base desired, not wasting impressions and clicks

23. What is the “active voice” style of writing ads
Ans: writing in the third person

24. What is double opt in process
Ans: someone must ask to be on your email list. And then verity by clicking a link they want to be on it

25. How do listeners decide what is a worthwhile podcast to continually listen to
Ans: having several hosts and a myriad of topics

26. Why is the subject line of any email compaingn important
Ans: it is all the receiver sees besides the email address until they open the email

27. How is “open rat” important
Ans: it lets the company know how many people bought a product

28. Why are affiliates not the same as having a sales force
Ans: The affiliates have limited availability

29. How is the pricing model of a click determined
Ans: google sets the price worldwide

30. What is the formula for calculating cost per customer acquisition
Ans: total marketing budget for aspecific period divided by the number of new customers for that same period

31. How much woulad a company pay for the given example: ad displays 20 times. 2 users click the ad. Cost per click is 5 cents
Ans: 10 cents

32. What is “cost per action ”
Ans: a payment agreement where a specific action creates a payable event for the affiliate. Such as a click a purchase. Number of page views

33. What is an “impression”
Ans: when an ad is cliced on

34. Which of the following is valuable in increasing a page rank
Ans: quantity of links from other highly ranked pages to your site

35. What is meant by”web 2.0”
Ans: internet companies who focus on retail sales

36. What is affiliate marketing
Ans: when a 3rd party helps market your business. And in turn your pay them a commission based on sales as aresult of their efforts

37. Which of the following are podcasts least likely to target
Ans: sales

oDesk Wordpress 2.8 Test Answers 2013

1.Question:A possible way to collect real-time statistics about traffic to a WordPress site is to _______________.
a) use a built-in tool

b) use a plug-in (Answer)

c) use a widget

d) None of the above

2.Question: In order to to display a widget, the user must _____

a) Set he “Show Property” of the desired widget to “true”

b) Drag the desired widget of the side bar (answer)

c) Add the Desired widget to the post

d) Change the source code

3.Question: Image size can be set __________

a) Directly in the post’s

b) in the wp-imageresize plug-in

c) in the admin settings (Answer)

d) a and b

4.Question: Which of the following blog site can be imported into wordpress?

a) Joomla (Answer)

B) Yahoo Blog (Answer)

c) Drupal (Answer)

d) Blogspot

e) All of the above

5.Question: Which of the following methods can be used to display the time in every post?

A) Changing the config file

B) Setting the feature in the admin settings

C) Changing the index.php file (answer)

D) Updating the database

6.Question : Which of the following methods can be used to make permalinks SEO friendly?

A) Updating the database

B) Changing the source code

C) Configuring the features in the config file

D) Configuring the features in the admin settings (Answer)

7.Question: Where can Google Adsense be integrated into a WordPress blog?

A) Only in the sidebar (Answer)

B) Only in the header

C) Anywhere

d) Only in the content

8.Question: Which of the following are true about Template Tags?

A) The template tag comprises of the three tag (PHP code tag, WordPress function, optional Parameters)

B) A template tag is code that instruct WordPress to do or get somethings (Answer)

C) There are only two types of parameters that are supported by wordpress template tag (String, Boolean)

D) All of the above

9.Question: Which of the following files are mandatory for a WordPress theme?

A) Index.php (Answer)

B) Style.css (Answer)

C) functions.php

D) page.php

10.Question: Contributor may change the timestamp on a post?

A) True

B) False (Answer)

11.Question: “Shortcodes” can be defined in WordPress.

A) True (Ture)

B) False

12.Question: Which of the following statements are true regarding widgets and plug-in in WordPress?

A) Plug-in is a software used to add function to blog (Answer)

B) Widget is an object derived from a plug-in and can be added to the sidebar (Answer)

C) Widgets are alwasy plugins (Answer)

D) All of the above

13.Question: A plug-in must be used in order to allow users to post flast or multimedia files.

A) True (Answer)

B) Flase

14.Question: The “function_exist()” function can be used to check whether a plug-in activated or not?

A) True (Answer)

B) False

15.Question: To manually make the sidebar widget ready, the user must___

A) modify the sidebar.php file (Or this)

B) Enable it in the admin settings (Answer)

C) Change the index.php

16.Question: A theme’s source code must be changed manually in order to customize the admin login page

A) True

B) False (Answer)

17.Question: Which of the following tasks must be performed to add a favicon icon to your site?

A) Upload a favicon icon to your side

B) Add a favicon link to the theme’s header file or update the exising favicon icon link to the new one (Answer)

C) Change the favicon icon in admin settings

D) The favicon icon can not be changed

18.Question: How can a WordPress blog theme be used to display content in two coloumns?

A) By changing the theme options to two columns in admin settings

B) By changing the layout in the config file (Answer)

C) WordPress theme cannot be customized to display posts in two columns

D) By using two-columns theme (Answer)

19.Question: Which of the following method helps you put HTML code into a post, and get it to format the way you expect?

A) Replacing special characters with corresponding html codes or character codes

B) Using the <codegt; <pre=”" c)=”" tag=”" the=”" using=”">tag

D) None of the above : WordPres auto-replaces special character with substituted characters

20.Question: Which of the following options are true regarding Plug-ins in WorpPress?

A) Plug-ins can be used to eliminate spam (Answer)

B) Plug-ins can be used to integrate a WordPress blog with a forum (Answer)

C) Plug-ins can be used to integrate Twitter with a WordPress blog (Answer)

D) Plug-ins can be used to embed javascript in a WordPress blog

E) All of the above

21.Question: How can a logo be placed on a WordPress header?

A) Manually add the logo to the source code (answer)

B) Upload a new logo in admin settings

C) Update the logo path in the config file

22.Question: Which of the following is a good reason to delete the admin account?

A) Because other users know this admin name (Answer)

B) Because it is not necessary

C) To enhance performance

D) TO enhance security (Answer)

23.Question: Which of the following keywords can be defined as “Those useful ‘one-click’ buttons that insert code for you?

A) Quicktags (Answer)

B) Shotcodes

C) Permalinks

D) Excerpts

24.Question: Which of the following methods can be used to add Pagination to a WordPress site?

A) Using a widget

B) Setting the feature in the admin settings

C) Using a plug-in (Answer)

D) Pagination cannot be added to WordPress site

25.Question: Which of the following methods can be used to enable posting via e-mail?

A) Installing the wp-emailpost plug-in

B) Configuring the feature in admin settings (Answer)

C) Using a widget

D) This feature is not available in WordPress

26.Question: Which of the following are true regarding Pages in WordPress?

A) Pages are listed in reverse chronological order

B) Pages can be static

C) Pages can be found in Categories

D) Page are not associated with a date/time like post

27.Question: State whether True or False

Wordpress supports all the following:

1. Create new posts

2. Edit Posts

3. Schedule post for future publishing

A) True

B) False

28.Question: Which of the following role level has the highest privilege?

A) Level_0

B) Level_10 (Answer)

C) Depends on your settings

D) Every role has the same privilege

29.Question: A possible way to add additional information to a wordpress blog post is to ____

A) Use the wp-addinfor plug-in

B) Use custom fields

C) Use a widget

30.Question: Which of the following actions performed before upgrading WordPress?

A) Back up the site (Answer)

B) Disable plugins (Answer)

C) Enable FTP on the site

D) All of the above

31.Question: Which of the following methods can be used to eliminate spam?

A) Using the “wp-captcha-free” plug-in

B) Using the “askimet” plug-in (Answer)

C) Using a widget

D) None of the above

32.Question: Which of the following needs to be edited in order to creat the function for the shortcode?

A) Index.php

B) functions.php (Answer)

C) post.php

D) page.php

33.Question: Which of the following arguments are accepted in shortcodes handler function while using shortcode API?

A) $atts

B) $Content

C) $code

D) All of the above (Answer)

34.Question:A plug-in must be used in order to allow users to post flash of multimedia files.



35.Question: You want to schedule a backup of your site database but do not have enough permission to access your host. of the following choices can help you perform this task?

a)se phpMyAdmin

b)Install “wp database backup” plug-in(Answer)

3)Use cron job to schedule.

4)Cannot schedule

36.Question: Using ——— is a good way to ensure that a WordPress site is indexed by search engines.

a)a sitemap(Answer)


c)a widget

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